Summer Journey
Summer Journey: Summer School 2025 Fact Sheet
Dates: May 21-June 11 Times: 7:55am - 3:05pm
Cost of Program: FREE Breakfast/Lunch: both available
Location: Northwest Technical School
Who is eligible for Summer School? Students entering 3rd, 4th, 5th grade in the fall and live in the Maryville RII School District (current 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
Reading & Math Interventions: We will offer a pull-out reading and math intervention for students who meet certain benchmarks.
Transportation provided: For students inside Maryville R-II School District
Attendance Incentives: We are participating in the Summer Journey’s program this summer, therefore $100 gift cards will be given to students with perfect attendance as well as daily prizes for those who are following the summer school expectations.
Before/After school GO: Current GO and Summer GO balances must be paid in full prior to attending Summer GO
Times: 6:30-7:30am & 3:05-5:30pm
Ages: summer school students going into 3rd, 4th, 5th
Fee: $60 flat fee for entire program
How to enroll for Summer School: Journey packets will be given out to Eugene Field Elementary students in grades 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and can be returned to the NTS office or EFE office or Mail form to EFE – 418 E 2nd St. Maryville, MO 64468
Due to lack of space at NTS numbers will be limited and will be assigned as first come first served. Those who turn in their enrollment form late, will be placed on a waiting list.
How to enroll for Summer GO: Return the green Journey’s enrollment form to either the NTS office or the EFE office.
Enrollment Deadline: Return enrollment forms by April 11th. Enroll after April 11th and before May 1st and you will be added to our waiting list.